New Playground for Crestwood Park

One of the highlights of the Crestwood Proposition A ballot measure is the replacement of the playground at Crestwood Park. It is our largest and busiest playground, but is beginning to show its age. This refresh aims not only to install new and updated equipment but also to create a play space that is more inclusive and includes ADA-compatible features. We’re committed to creating A Place For Everyone!

To achieve this goal, we need your input. There will be several opportunities for you to view potential options and provide feedback on what you want to see installed.

Open House Event

Your first opportunity will be at the Crestwood Park Playground Open House on Thursday, June 27, from 5:00 – 7:00 PM. Numerous options will be presented, and you can vote for your favorites. This event will be held at the Lower Pavilion (next to the playground) at Crestwood Park. It’s an open house format, so feel free to drop by anytime between 5:00 – 7:00 PM.

August Park Board Meeting

City staff will present options again to the Crestwood Park Board on Tuesday, August 20, at 7:00 PM at City Hall. While this is a formal public meeting, attendees will have the opportunity to provide public comments. The Park Board will consider these comments, along with the results of the Open House, before making their recommendation.

Long School Students

After school resumes in August, Crestwood Park staff will host an event at Long School where students can vote on their favorite playground designs. This event will include a short civic lesson about community participation and voting, making it a fun and educational experience. Each student will also receive an “I Voted” sticker.

Board of Aldermen

Crestwood staff will consolidate all the feedback from these events into a single recommended solution, seek bids from vendors, and present it to the Board of Aldermen. As with all Board of Aldermen meetings, there will be an opportunity for public comment before the final vote on this project.

The goal is to have the new playground installed in late Spring/early Summer of 2025. I’m excited about this upgrade to our community and encourage everyone to participate and provide your input. These Prop-A projects are investments that will benefit Crestwood for decades to come.