The Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) has been busy for many years now working to clean up their sewer infrastructure. This work is all part of their Project Clear initiative.
Last year, residents in Ward 4 definitely felt the impact of one of these projects. MSD installed new sewer lines as part of their East Watson Sanitary Relief Project. During that project, East Watson was closed for months and residents had to endure heavy equipment, noise, and of course all the hassle of a big project. Whew!
The good news from that project is that it allowed MSD to eliminate sewer overflow points that would occasionally divert raw sewage into the creeks in that area. MSD was thus able to remove a bunch of warning signs along those creeks (14 in Crestwood alone).
Also, that project marked MSD’s 85% completion of its entire Project Clear initiative. A noteworthy milestone. To celebrate, MSD published this video:
While that project helped improve that area, MSD has another project in an adjacent area planned for 2024 - 2027. They have been planning the Mulberry Creek Sanitation Relief Program for several years and it will likely begin late in 2024.
That will be another big project and is scheduled to last for 27-36 months. They will start on one end and work their way to the other, so the individual areas won’t be under construction for that entire period.
It will surely again be a hassle and some residents will see major work done in their yards. It won’t be fun. The good news is that afterwards more of those warning signs will be coming down and our streams and creeks will no longer be danger zones. Stay tuned.