There is a new Internet provider coming to Crestwood – you have probably noticed a bunch of utility locator flags and paint marks along some streets. If not, you soon will.
i3 Broadband is burying fiber optic cable in the right-of-way area along Crestwood streets and will be placing small handhole boxes along the way. Their goal is to connect every property within Crestwood by the end of the year.
During construction, you'll notice lots of workers along the street - hand-digging small pits next to the street at approximately every other house. They will be placing green handholes in most of those locations, allowing them to later run a cable from a handhole to an adjacent home that subscribes to their service.

They are using a technique known as directional boring, where they push (and steer) a very long boring rod under the ground and have it pop up further down the road. They will then pull orange and black conduit back to the starting place, connecting both ends and the holes they dug along the way. The fiber cable will later be pulled through that conduit creating a residential connection point within each of the handhole boxes. The i3 contractor(s) are instructed to hand-dig the routes near Spire gas lines and where the handhole boxes will be placed.
This work is completed in some areas and is currently occurring around the western part of Ward 3. Click the timeline map above to see when work will occur in your neighborhood - most of Crestwood is occurring later in 2023.
I3 Broadband is sending letters to impacted residents, but I’ve heard from some that they didn’t get one or missed it. A sample letter can be viewed HERE.
Crestwood Public Works has a webpage with more information and a list of all addresses that will be impacted. It can be viewed HERE.
Questions or Issues?
NOTE - i3 Broadband is responsible for all cleanup work and restoring properties to their original condition (which is limited to seed and straw in grass areas).
This is a really big project that has at least some impact on every home in Crestwood. It can be messy and many people have spent lots of time to make their front yard as nice as possible. Should you have issues with the contractor(s), please contact i3 directly by phone at 877-976-0711 or at engineering@i3broadband.com.
Per city ordinances - work like this is allowed 7am - 7pm, Monday - Saturday.