First - The Parks and Recreation Department announced (via their Facebook page):
We would like to announce that beginning Wednesday, June 24 it will not be required to register for a time slot at the Aquatic Center. We will continue to have two swim sessions in order to clean and sanitize the entire facility. Thank you for your patience through this process.
In addition - they also announced their COVID Reopening Plan
that includes easier access to the Aquatic Center and reopening of
facilities. Below is a summary from the city's
Aquatic Center – June 29
- We will go to 50% of our capacity (currently at 25%)
- We will begin to allow guests of members and ID holders. Guest must be registered in our computer program in order to provide contact tracing. We will also need signed COVID waivers for the guest. Click the following link to download the waiver Aquatic Center COVID Waiver (link)
July 1 Opening
- We will begin to take pavilion reservations, tennis court reservations and ballfield reservations.
- Restrooms in the parks will open.
- Sand volleyball courts will open.
Community Center – Open July 6
- Hours of operation:
- Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 7:00pm
- Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm
- Saturday 8:00am – 4:00pm
- Members and resident’s with an ID card only
- All guest must be screened for Covid. We will take temperatures and ask a series of questions. Anyone who has a temperature or has any symptoms will be sent home.
- Social distancing required unless with members of the same household
- Mask required when not working out.
- All guest must sign Covid waiver.
- Everyone coming in facility must check in at the front desk. If they do not have a membership or ID they will need to obtain one.
- Fitness Center to reopen to 50% capacity
- Cardio machines will be placed in 106/107 to maintain St. Louis County orders
- Gymnasium to 50% capacity.
- Must bring in own balls. No games allowed unless member of the same household.
- Dance gym open to 50% capacity
- No locks
- No showers
- Bring your own refillable water bottles. Bottle filler will be available, but water fountains will not be available.
- Fitness Center will have one way in and one way out. We ask people follow the arrows.
- No shared magazines.
- There will be no lost and found. Items found at the end of the day will be discarded.
Racquetball can resume July 6
- Try avoiding contact
- No shaking of hands
- No gathering before or after games
- No racquets or balls available.
Room Reservations for Community Center – July 7
- We will begin taking room reservations for the Community Center. Rentals will be at 50% capacity until St. Louis County tells us otherwise.
- Covid testing for guest listed above must be followed for all rentals.
- Meetings/parties will require social distancing and masks.
- Athletic reservations will require social distancing. Masks must be worn when not playing.
Pickleball (Recommendations from National Pickleball Association) - Resume July 13
- Cash will not be accepted. Credit cards only. Punch cards will be made available to purchase.
- No doubles play
- You must register in advance for a time slot. Each time slot will be one hour.
- Both courts running with two waiting per court. Those waiting to play must socially distance and wear masks when waiting. Those waiting will rotate in when game is over.
- Players bring own paddles and balls
- Balls need to be marked with names. There will be no sharing of pickleballs.
- Hand sanitizer will be made available to use.