[UPDATE] - Online reservation system is now ready. Click HERE to make your daily reservation(s).
Original Post...
The City of Crestwood announced that the pool will open, with certain restrictions...
On Wednesday, May 27, St. Louis County released their official guidelines for reopening Public Water Recreation Facilities (PWRF). The city has taken this time to thoroughly review the guidelines. With the public’s safety in mind and after weeks of uncertainty, we are excited to announce that the Crestwood Aquatic Center will be open beginning Monday, June 15.
To manage crowd size and maintain a safe environment we will not allow non-residents. Please read operation plan for details.
Membership sales will not begin until Friday, June 5. If you have a current membership and have not yet worked with a staff member to transfer your information into the new software system, please understand additional time will be needed to get this completed.
The Coronavirus operation plan is listed below: Please take the time to review the guidelines. In addition to the operation plan we will not be able to offer any before or after hour programming. If St. Louis County changes the guidelines we may be able to add programming later in the season.
Details for the Aquatic Center Operation Plan are posted on the City's website (here). Below are some highlights:
- Admission is limited - Only current Aquatic pass holders, Lindbergh and resident Aquatic pass holders along with resident daily visitors with a valid ID card, will be allowed.
- Reservations will be required - Make your reservations HERE.
- No Cash Transactions - Daily visits must be purchased in advance and only cedit cards will be accepted at the concession stand.
- There will be two sessions - 11:00am - 2:45pm and 3:15pm - 7pm. The entire facility will be cleaned and disinfected in between swim sessions along with cleaning of high touch points throughout the day. The facility will be thoroughly cleaned again after closing.
- Household sizes of less than 6 is recommended, unless a family has 4 or more children
- Social Distancing of 6 feet is required throughout the facility unless with your household.
- Masks must be worn except when in the water or eating. If you do not have a mask or unwilling to wear a mask you will be asked to leave the facility. Children under the age of 2 are not required to wear a mask.
- The Lazy River will have an Enter and Exit only. Tubes will be disinfected in between each user. Please follow the staff directions when entering and exiting.
- Deck chairs will not be available. You are welcome to bring a lawn chair from home.
And finally the City reminds us - Please remember this is new not only for you, but also for our staff. These are guidelines that were given to us by St. Louis County. We want to be here for you so we must comply in order to remain open and keep everyone safe. We ask for your patience and understanding while we work through any issues that may arise.
For questions or concerns please call the Crestwood Community Center 314-729-4860.