As you may recall, there was supposed to be an election back in April, but that was postponed until June 2. The polling place for all of Ward 3 is the Crestwood Community Center at Whitecliff.
Although the Community Center is closed to the public, voters will be able to access the gym. All other areas of the building will remain closed.
View a sample ballot here
Our mayor, Grant Mabie, is running for another 3-year term unopposed.
Crestwood voters will also be asked to consider Proposition 1 - a proposal to continue the current 1/2 cent Capital Improvements Sales Tax that has been in place since 1993. Click the image below to zoom in for more details. The revenues from this sales tax have been critical to our city and pay for most of the street repairs and major projects.
Crestwood voters will also be asked to choose between Mary Luebke and Patrick McKelvey for the Subdistrict 4 seat on the St. Louis Community College Board of Trustees - replacing the retiring Eleftheria “Libby” Fitzgerald. More information on STLCC board candidates can be found here.
The MSD ballot measure was requested to be removed, but not in time. So it will still be on the ballot, but but no votes will be tallied.