Over the weekend, St. Louis County announced that all municipal courts in the county shall postpone and reschedule all dockets, hearings, trials, and other proceedings during the State of Emergency through the rest of March.
Thus, the March 19 Crestwood Municipal Courts "Ordinance Violation Docket" has been cancelled. The April 2 "Traffic Violation Docket" is still on the schedule.
The City is also evaluating other public events and gatherings. The Police Board meeting scheduled for tonight (March 16) has been cancelled.
Per an e-mail from the mayor, Crestwood still plans to hold the March 24 Board of Alderman meeting. It will be open to the public, although members of the public are strongly encouraged to attend via teleconference as opposed to in-person. The call-in number will be provided via social media and included in the public notice published prior to the meeting.