Johnny Mac's in Crestwood?

Interesting Trivia Fact - the border between Crestwood and Sunset Hills crosses Watson just east of Johnny Mac's (well almost).

As you can see on the picture above, the border actually crosses through this property, so that it is in both Sunset Hills and Crestwood.  The Mercy Health clinic next door has the same issue.

With the pending redevelopment of Johnny Mac's (a Subaru Dealer), this actually complicates the project with additional red tape (multiple permits, approvals, conflicting city codes, etc.).   As such, both cities will be working together to adjust the border to cleanly run along the property line.

Thus the Subaru dealer will eventually be 100% in Sunset Hills and Mercy Health will be 100% in Crestwood.

As a side note - the small portion of land that Crestwood would be loosing will not generate any sales tax revenue from the car dealership.   It will just be parking lot and dumpsters.

None of this is a done deal and is still pending legal reviews, approvals, etc.