The agenda for this meeting was brief...
Re-appointment of Board/Committee/Commission Members
- When Crestwood citizen boards/committees/commissions were formed, it was the intent that the terms of the members be staggered to avoid too many new vacancies at a time. Unfortunately this was not maintained well over the years, so a resolution was adopted to update some of the terms of current members, and assign new members.
- Here is the entire list of members that were changed or newly assigned.
Wholesale Siding Landscape Plan
- This business (located at 9860 Big Bend) has been in Crestwood for many years. In fact the building pre-dated the current city codes and thus has some grandfathered features (e.g. property line setbacks).
- In 2017, Wholesale Siding Depot was clearing honeysuckle and other noxious growth on the southeast part of the property, in addition, they removed approximately six trees that may or may not have been dead. The removal of these trees was in was in violation of the landscape plan approved July 11, 1995. “Stop Work” orders were posted and landscaping activities ceased at the site. An amended landscape plan was brought before the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Aldermen in 2017, it was denied by both.
- This has been an unfortunate situation for the residents that border this site - as that the views from their backyards were no longer screened from the industrial features of this business and frustrations abound on both sides. After a long time with much negotiating by the City, residents, and business owner a new landscaping plan was presented.
- After a brief discussion and a few clarifications, the plan was approved (8-0).
- Planting of 58 new evergreen trees will occur this fall - hopefully putting this situation in the past.
The next scheduled BoA meeting will be July 23.