This was a lively and long meeting - ending around 10:30pm. Here's the entire agenda.
There were five (5) public hearings held, but the first two were related and consumed over 2 hours of the discussion. There were for approval of an ordinance granting a "Conditional Use Permit" to Brite-Worx Carwashery for the operation of a car wash facility located at 9846 Watson (site of the former Sweet Tomatoes restaurant). and to approve their site plan.
Background Info: |
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Report from City Planner | Supporting Documentation (Traffic Study, Noise Study, Site Plans) |
Brite-Worx Website |
The Applicant, Citizens, and Representatives of the Planning and Zoning Commission spoke both in favor and against the proposed car wash. The table below summarizes some of the opinions shared:
In Favor | Against |
This gives people another reason to stop as they drive down Watson (Route 66) | Conflicts with comprehensive plan goals – which should guide planners with long term vision when faced with short term decisions. |
Per the comprehensive plan - the City should encourage economic growth and work to attract small business | Residents desire additional restaurants in Crestwood and this building is already set up for one |
City should focus efforts in filling vacancies – this site has been vacant for 17 months. | There are already many car wash options in the area - we don't need another |
Although won’t generate sales tax revenue, it will generate utility (water and electric) tax revenue (more than if a doctor or insurance agent built here). | A car wash won't generate sales tax revenue to the city and existing real estate tax revenue will decline |
After much discussion, the Alderman voted on the measure. At least 5 "yes votes" would be needed for this to pass. One of the 8 aldermen was absent. The ordinance was defeated by a 4 to 3 vote.
Concerned by the narrow margin and strong views on both sides, Alderman Duncan moved to reconsider the vote. This is a legal procedure allowed by Crestwood City Charter and the board voted 5 to 2 in favor of the reconsideration. Thus, this issue will again come before the board at their next meeting (April 9).
The second half of the meeting was less controversial and moved along at a good pace. The remaining public hearings passed with little discussion. They related to zoning changes to either clean up existing code or add new:
- Prohibit nursing and elderly care facilities from operating in residential districts (only in commercial districts)
- Require Tobacco / Vape businesses to obtain a "Conditional Use Permit" to operate
- Add zoning for future Medical Marijuana businesses - allowing them to operate in commercial districts (with minor limitations) and requiring them to obtain a "Conditional Use Permit".
The "Consent Agenda" also passed with little discussion. Only one item was pulled for discussion - the Grading Permit for the Crestwood Mall area (discussed in a previous post).
The Grading Permit also passed, but a few interesting points were made:
- Approximately 40,000 yards of dirt will be moved from the MSD site to the old Macy's upper lot area. That equates to approximately 4,000 dump truck loads.
- The existing parking lot will first be "pulverized" and mixed with the fill to ensure proper compaction.
- The project timeline will be dictated by the MSD site progress, but is anticipated to start in April and last for up to six months.
The final item on the agenda was to pass a resolution Opposing Statewide Vote on a City-County Merger. This was unanimously passed. Here's a copy.